Mediatek Recovery Porting Guide by Abhijit Katore

MTK Recovery Porting Guide

Mediatek Recovery Porting Guide

  1. Open ES file explorer give it root permission. Go to “/cache” & delete all files/folders in it.

  2. del
  3. Now create 3 new folders as the screenshot. (Don’t use space in folders names)

  4. make
  5. Now copy Stok boot.img to “Stok_boot“;Stok recovery to “Stok_recovery“;Port recovery to “Port_recovery“.

  6. copy
  7. Now rename boot to “boot.img“, rename stok recovery to “recovery.img” & rename port recovery to “ “recovery.img” (if it already in this name than you need not change the name)

  8. name
  9. (Decompiling)Open apktool & long press on “cache“. You will see a popup like this. Than choose "get access permission“ .

    Owners Info

  10. acces
  11. Now open “cache” folder & do same for “stok_boot“ , “stok_recovery“ & “port_recovery“ .

  12. Open “stok_boot” folder & tap on “boot.img“. You will see a popup menu. Choose "expack-mt65xx"

  13. expack
  14. Your boot will decompile in few seconds. Wait till it’s complete.

  15. unpacking
  16. Now open “stok_recovery” & “port_recovery” one by one & decompile them same as “boot.img“ .All of the folders look like this.

  17. look
  18. (File Replacing)Open “stok_recovery“ . Copy “kernel” & paste/replace it in “port_recovery“.

  19. replace
  20. Now open “stok_recovery/ramdisk” & copythese files & paste them to “port_recovery/ramdisk“

  21. – meta_init.project.rc

    – meta_init.rc

    – meta_init.modem.rc

    – ueventd.rc

    – ueventd.goldfish.rc

    – fstab

    – fstab.goldfish

  22. (If you couldn’t find any file in stok recovery, find it in stok boot. Again you couldn’t find it in stok boot, then leave/skip it)

  23. Now open “stok_recovery/ramdisk/etc” & copy “recovery.fstab“ . Again open “port_recovery/ramdisk/etc” & paste the file here.

  24. Open Apktool & gain access permission of “/cache“ ,“Port_Recovery“ , & “Port_Recovery/ramdisk“ .

  25. (See Step 2)Now tap on “ramdisk" of port_recovery & you will see a popup menu like this. Select “repack-mt65xx“

  26. repack
  27. Your ported recovery will recompiled as“new.img“

  28. Copy this “new.img“ file to sdcard & flash it via Flashify

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